



RWU的联合实验室重新构思公共故事, histories, 通过改变故事被讲述人的动态来讲述故事, how, and by whom. The work of RWU的联合实验室 centers historically marginalized or erased populations and invites them to work with us to investigate and tell a set of new defining narratives and 表示 for the New England region.


The interdisciplinary Co-Lab at RWU is dedicated to sharing and fostering inclusive narratives, 表示, and histories that make historically marginalized or erased populations audible and visible. RWU的联合实验室培养植根于真实的知识, reciprocal, 以及学者之间的伦理合作, communities, 以及艺术和人文领域的从业者. We collaborate with communities to transform our disciplines through scholarship, programs, 以及以社区观点为中心的方法, needs, 和知识.



(Re)Telling: Crafting New Stories of Race and Place in Southern New England

On Friday, June 7, 2024, the Roger Williams University Public Humanities and Arts Collaborative (The Co-Lab) will host (Re)Telling: Crafting New Stories of Race and Place in Southern New England 在R州普罗维登斯的普罗维登斯公共图书馆.I. 由国家人文基金会资助, this regional public humanities gathering will bring together organizations, groups, and institutions engaged in the public humanities work of researching, crafting, 分享我们地区种族和地域的故事.



The Community-Engaged Public Humanities Training series supports faculty in exploring public humanities pedagogy and project development methods and ethical and reciprocal community engagement practices.


隐藏的真相:种族和地域的故事 in New England and Beyond 2023-2024 Lecture Series

RWU的联合实验室 is pleased to present the third annual 隐藏的真相:种族和地域的故事 lecture series. This series features the research and policy work of RWU faculty and staff that resurfaces untold histories and complicates received knowledge and understandings of our collective pasts. The series engages the campus community and the public in deeper understandings and informed dialogues around how past inequities continue to impact societal and cultural realities and disparities today.



The RWU公共人文艺术合作 (The Co-Lab) is sponsoring a four-part series on anti-racist community engagement in Spring 2024 featuring four of the editors for the recently released book 反种族主义社区参与.

A student smiles and laughs while presenting research to a staff member

Focus Areas

RWU的联合实验室 focuses on engaging the public in the areas of history, 视觉艺术:视觉和表演艺术, 文物及文物保育, 空间和地点, 物质与视觉文化, 历史叙事, 公共教育和理智主义. Our investigation of topics related to inclusive narratives includes the spoken, the written, the visual, 的戏剧, 肉体, as we imagine the ways that people are both the producers and the products of their geographical and cultural landscapes.



Faculty, students, and staff across disciplines at Roger Williams are engaged in public humanities and arts projects that make underrepresented stories and groups in our region, our country, 并且在全球范围内更容易被听到和看到. 与远近社区紧密合作, 这些项目唤起人们对过去和现在的不公正的关注, 以及这些群体的弹性和创造性生存.

杰森·雅各布斯, Associate Professor of Literature and one of the co-founders of the Co-Lab, 和伊莱恩·斯泰尔斯, Faculty Director of the Co-Lab and Associate Professor of Historic Preservation.


A prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities grant assists with creation of new Public Humanities and Arts (PHA) minor, supports faculty fellows and community partners to develop courses centered on community projects. 


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