Roger Williams Alumni

Once a Hawk, Always a Hawk

Registration Open for Alumni & Reunion Weekend

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Hello, Roger Alumni!

Kelly Scafariello holds a "Once a Hawk, 布里斯托尔校园里罗杰·威廉姆斯雕像旁的一件“鹰”t恤

校友关系办公室已正式开放2024届校友注册 & Reunion Weekend. 


This year, 我们很高兴地宣布,第17届雷·科代罗校友高尔夫精英赛等受欢迎的活动将回归, Steak/Lobster Dinner, Newport Polo Match, BBQ & Beer Garden, Shuttle Service into Bristol, Wine Tasting Hour, 为毕业年份以4结尾的校友颁发校友会奖和同学会致敬晚会 & 9.

周末的新节目是校友周末庆祝音乐会的揭幕仪式 (feat. Dave Matthews Cover Band, So Lucky), 建立自己的奶酪板,家庭友好的电影和艺术 & Crafts Nights, Food Trucks, Fire Pits, Family Residence Housing, Reunion Class Brunch, RWU Scavenger Hunt, special appearance from Swoop, our Hawk Mascot and more!

Finally, we are excited to bring the back the Alumni Tent. 我们在帐篷下度过了美好的回忆,并准备好迎接它的回归!

This is OUR weekend. I cannot wait to celebrate with my fellow alumni! See you soon.

Proud Alum, 
Kelly A. Scafariello '99
Assistant VP of Alumni Relations

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Alumni & Reunion Weekend

PCI Oral History Project

校友关系办公室与该公司合作 PCI to create the Roger Williams Oral History Project. PCI与我们的办公室合作,帮助收集校友的故事,以纪念从罗杰还是一所大学到现在的校园经历的历史, 帮助建立罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目. 

Learn about the PCI Oral History Project

更新:关注参与罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目的校友. 购买的产品已开始生产,应于2024年春末准备就绪

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The Alumni Association

该协会帮助你保持联系,并为你提供机会,让你以对你特别有意义的方式与大学接触. 你是否帮助未来的学生第一次发现罗杰·威廉姆斯, provide current students with career guidance, mentor young alumni, or be a volunteer for special events, we appreciate your support and commitment.

毕业后自动成为校友会会员. 校友会致力于保持你的信息和联系, 我们鼓励你利用我们校友社区提供的许多项目.

Are you a Law School alum? Visit the Law Alumni Association

group of RWU alumni in GHH

Stay Connected

If you haven’t yet contributed, 利用这一刻与罗杰·威廉姆斯重新建立联系,并回馈帮助你找到道路和激情的大学. 你可以选择支持一个特定的学校或活动,或者志愿奉献你的时间.

RWU alumni award winners

Alumni Chapters

校友分会为校友提供了与其他毕业生联系的绝佳机会, foster lifelong learning, 支持当地社区,并与大学建立联系. 他们也为新搬到新城市的毕业生和校友提供了宝贵的资源. 访问我们的Facebook页面加入您的小组,或开始一个新的!

View all Roger Williams Chapters


Reach out to the Office of Alumni Relations

Are You a Law School Alum?

Visit the Law Alumni Association

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